Installing Lpy

L-Py distribution is based on the conda software environment management system. To install conda, you may refer to its installation page:

Installing binaries using conda

To install L-Py, you need to create an environment (named lpy in this case) :

conda create -n lpy openalea.lpy -c fredboudon -c conda-forge

The package is retrieved from the fredboudon channel (developement) and its dependencies will be taken from conda-forge channel.

Then, you need to activate the L-Py environment

conda activate lpy

And then run L-Py


Installing from sources

You should first install all dependencies in a conda environment. The simplest way to do this is to call

conda create -n lpydev
conda activate lpydev
conda install --only-deps openalea.lpy -c fredboudon -c conda-forge
conda install

You should clone the lpy project into your computer

git clone

Compiling on macOS and Linux

This assumes you installed the usual build tools on Linux, or the Xcode Build Tools on macOS.

You need then to compile lpy with the following command, on macOS and Linux:

mkdir build ; cd build
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release  \
      -LAH ..

You can use make -j numproc if you have several processors. To install L-Py on your environment

make install
python install

to install it into you python system.

To run test,

cd test/

To launch the visual editor, you can type in your shell


Compiling on Windows

On Windows you must install Visual Studio 2019 with Desktop C++ tools.

For your convenience a build script called windows_build_dev.bat has been written. If you installed Visual Studio 2019 with Desktop C++ tools and miniconda3 at the default location, with your environment called lpydev, running the script from the Windows Command Prompt should compile lpy.

If you want to compile manually, open the Developer Command Prompt for VS 2019 (search for the shortcut in the Start Menu).

Then you should activate conda manually in that prompt. If you installed miniconda3 in the default directory C:\Users\YourName\miniconda3 and if your environment is named lpydev, you can use the command:

%USERPROFILE%\miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat %USERPROFILE%\miniconda3\envs\lpydev

Otherwise, adapt the command to the path where you installed miniconda3.

Then you can compile with the following commands:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ^
-Wno-dev ^

cmake --build . --parallel %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% --config Release --target install
cd ..

Note: you can only compile using the config Release and the target install on Windows.

To install L-Py on your environment

python install

to install it into you python system.

To run test,

cd test/

To launch the visual editor, you can type in your shell


Notes on dependencies

L-Py core is a C++ library but based on the Python language. The communication between both language is made using Boost.Python. The PlantGL library is used for the 3D modelling and visualization. The Qt library and its python wrappers PyQt (build with SIP) are used to create the visual interface. PyOpenGL is used to display and edit the materials.

To compile and install it from sources, the project requires cmake and setuptools.

To test it, the nosetests conventions is used.

All these projects have to be correctly installed before compiling L-Py.

Additionally, the Cython module that make it possible to translate python code into C code is automatically integrated to the project if detected. You can install it if you want to test this extension.